Monday, May 14, 2012

What is Business Mentoring?

In all facets of life, any ability, talent or business skills need to be constantly exercised and upgraded in order to maintain a competitive edge. World champion athletes all have coaches. Sporting teams rely on regular training and guidance from coaches to ensure their continued success. Your business is no different.

The old adage of “use it or lose it” has never been more appropriate. Every successful business requires mentoring to keep it on track, provide feedback and suggest initiatives in order to provide a point of difference with the competition. Henry Ford once said “successful business leaders surround themselves with talented people”; in small business mentoring often is the only answer.

Most business owners are usually heavily involved in running the business from day to day to such an extent that they have little or no time to dedicate to structuring an effective business plan, developing new markets and opportunities or the regular training of staff. It all just seems to hopefully happen “on the job”!

Business Mentoring provides the opportunity to ensure that the vital activities of training, facilitation and development are an integral part of your business operation. Our approach in Storkeys’ Team is to provide a specifically designed yearly programme to meet your business’s unique needs.

From regular staff training sessions and assessments to strategic planning and facilitation, this programme keeps the business on track and you in control. Many view staff training as a cost however most successful businesses realize that it is an investment in the company’s future.

The importance of building a cohesive team in order to achieve the businesses’ vision cannot be over emphasized and this is where the business mentoring programme comes into its own. If you want to be a market leader in your field and exceed your customers expectations and achieve your goals then business mentoring can show the way.

“Business Mentoring” will give you an insight into one of the vital tools essential in business success and fulfillment of your role!

Lesley Storkey

Lesley is one of the Expert Presenters at the WDD Event -

Monday, May 7, 2012

The Secret to Making Your Child Wildly Wealthy

How do you encourage your children to have good financial habits and at what age do you start? 

One of my observations is that when you get several three year olds together and give them a bag of sweets each – some will scoff them all down and ask for more – some will share them with everyone and expect nothing in return – some will have one or two and put the rest away for later. And I believe  this is how they will treat their money in later life. 

So the question then is – how do you encourage your children to have good financial habits and at what age do you start?  My experience is that no matter what you do - sometimes their own instincts rule no matter what.  However a method that several have tried and found effective is to ask children to undertake certain tasks for no reward – like making their bed – tidying their room.  Then for a small sum or a treat or an activity that they enjoy – to take on other chores like washing up – setting the table etc.  This provides them with a sense of responsibility for their actions as well as a financial or other reward for ‘work’. 

A multimillionaire friend told me that he grew up on a farm in England and his father was a vet.  He had certain chores that he had to complete each day for no reward – then there was a book of varying jobs for varying dollar values.  One afternoon he decided that he wanted to purchase the latest gadget for early teens – so he went to the book and found the greatest rewarding job and finished it that afternoon.  The job entailed moving a whole pile of heavy rocks from one part of the farm to the other.  He puts this reward for effort down to his extremely high work ethic and his attitude that the more you work the higher you get paid.  By the way he didn’t finish Grade 10.

At what age do you get them started – this will vary depending on the child – but the sooner the better.  If you make cleaning up the toys as much fun as it is for them to create the mess in the first place – this is a good start.  Again bribery and corruption work extremely well!.  

One key to this is working out the right time to do this and not waiting until they are tired and grumpy.  Get them into the habit of making a part of play time - cleaning up time.  Personalities always come to the fore here as outlined above – and some children are very happy to clean and tidy up until say aged 10 and suddenly they hate it.

Ask them what they would like to do in the time allocated – provide them with some choices – and get them involved in the decision making process – then you set the agenda and include the things that are important to you but possibly not to them. 

Sell it to them on the basis that if you have to do all the work there will be less time to do more enjoyable things.  On the other hand if they assist you with the chores then there will be more time to do the things you enjoy doing together. This provides them with a confidence in making decisions and shows them that with every decision that involves fun and enjoyment – also comes activities and/or consequences that are not as much fun.  These lessons will be invaluable when it comes to their finances and other major decisions in later life.

This is one of the topics that I cover in my Wealth Coaching For Women course.

Simply contact us on 07 3844 5644 or visit –

Janeece Giraldo
WIN Financial  Network

Janeece is one of our expert presenters at the WDD Event in Melbourne,  For more information on how to handle your finances to create wealth, make sure that you book your place at the event through the Women's Development Day Website